Battle Soul: Sealed Memories – A Unique RPG that Brings Gameplay and Story You’ve Never Seen Before
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Are you tired of playing many similar games with typical action/auto battles, repetitive stories and quests, and generic gameplay systems? Are you looking for something entirely different? If you are, you’re in luck because a truly distinctive game is about to arrive, featuring gameplay like no other and an unexpectedly twisting story. This game is Battle Soul: Sealed Memories!
The story of Battle Soul: Sealed Memories begins on an isolated island where every 14 days, time loops and everyone on the island loses their memories. You, the main character, who have been trapped on this island and slowly become aware of the time reset, start making every effort to escape from this nightmarish loop. As you venture around the island in search of a way out, you discover others who are also trapped on the island. They all share a similar trait with you—they are people you knew and have befriended in the past, but they have all lost their memories and are emotionally traumatized for various reasons. By reliving their memories, you slowly uncover the reasons behind this island’s time loop and how your past is intertwined with it.
Adding to the complexity, this game offers multiple storylines that are affected by the decisions you make throughout the game. You will need to make different decisions in each loop and gradually piece together the truth found in different storylines. Ultimately, you will discover the key to breaking the loop (or not!).
The exploration system in this game is unique and simple. You start off in a small place, and as you uncover your past and lost memories, new locations will be unlocked and become accessible. Each location is filled with interesting characters with whom you can either forge bonds or battle for loot.
You’ll get to unfold mysteries, and make choices that can change the story, and use your creativity to employ tactics with 100+ spells, souls and artifacts. What’s more, you can recruit and level up monsters with special powers, and defeat challenging opponents through PVP as well as PVE. Come what may, you have to escape the island where memories are sealed. But the process is full of fun, excitement and amusement, and in no way fierce or stressful.
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The battle system in this RPG is simple yet surprisingly satisfying. In each turn (it is turn-based, by the way), you and your opponent will choose a spell to use without knowing what the other side is choosing. Then, the two spells will clash, resulting in numerous possible outcomes depending on the spells chosen. It could be an Ice Wall blocking a Fireball or a Mirror reflecting a Lightning Strike, among other things. What’s more, you can recruit and level up monsters with special powers, giving you extra advantages in battle. From peculiar little creatures to giant rock golems, the meta and tactics are only limited by your creativity!
Harvest and Alchemy:
In Battle Soul: Sealed Memories, one of the major aspects of exploration is harvesting and alchemy. You’ll gather materials through a fun mini-game and combine them through alchemy to create different items or rare artifacts. One of the most enjoyable aspects is that you can combine nearly anything in the game and transform it into something else.
In summary, Battle Soul: Sealed Memories is a highly creative genre-merging mobile game that combines elements of RPG, Visual Novel, Tactics, and CCG, offering a unique experience unlike any other game. For those who appreciate creativity, complex stories, or are seeking a challenge in a tactical battle RPG, this game is sure to blow your mind. Be sure not to miss watching the trailer of the game and experience it for yourself! Happy gaming!