Start Designing and Developing Games Like a Pro

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game developing handbookIf you are an aspiring game developer, you might want to know how to do that. Now you can get some handy and extremely important tips on how to create a game, through a Game Creation Manual (ISBN 9781942825043) which contains step-by-step guidance for designing as well as developing card games, board games, role playing games, dice games and online games. This very useful handbook has been written by Kambiz Mostofizadeh and published by Mikazuki Publishing House.

Apart from the steps in game development, the book also contains many pieces of interesting information like why gamers play, why to make a game, types of games, main elements of game design, and many other points which will make you well-versed in the process of game development.

Why Gamers Play?

Here I would like to give some interesting observations by the author Kambiz Mostofizadeh about why gamers play. According to him, there are five reasons gamers play – they have the feeling of anxiety or danger, to make and develop friendship, enjoy the feeling of victory, to take a new experience and for entertainment when they are bored. This is helpful to understand when you want to develop a game. You should aim at fulfilling one of these reasons and you can develop a good game. You can create a game which will rid the player of anxiety, or make friendships among players, or make them feel victorious, or give them new experiences, or give them 100% pure entertainment. If you develop a game with one of these goals in mind, you can be a successful game developer.

There is tremendous increase in the popularity of various types of games year by year. And so, many people are trying to develop new games every now and then. Looking at this scenario, it is required that there is a dedicated manual which can guide them how to create various types of games and this handbook does just that.

The book has indeed given each and every detail of game creation like main elements of game design, steps of game design process, mindset for game designers, qualities needed by a developer for developing a game, attributes of real good games, and many more, along with a short history and the current scenario of the gaming world.

The handbook is on sale on Amazon. If you want to become a game developer, this is what you should have in your collection. It is useful to you anytime, on any stage of game development. So, grab it today and start designing and developing games like a pro.

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