Sudoku Games

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Almost any magazine or newspapers contain Sudoku puzzle game, because people love and enjoy it. The name comes from Japan, Su Doku meaning “single number” and Japanese puzzle company Nikoli made this game popular back in 1986. World wide, Sudoku was recognized as very popular pass time game in 2005. This combinatorial puzzle game was, in fact, developed by Leonhard Euler, Swiss mathematician. The aim of the game is to arrange numbers in a way that any number can occur just once in any row and column. Nowadays, it is very convenient to play Sudoku online and that makes this challenging game even more and more popular.

Sudoku is puzzle brain activating brain, considered to require and exercise logical thinking. It commonly has 9×9 grid and the task is to fulfill it with digits in a way that every raw and column, as well as 3×3 sub-grids contain all the digits from 1 to 9 (all digits except zero. The Sudoku puzzle setter completes the grid partially and the rest is left for the player. There is a unique solution for every Sudoku puzzle. Aside this common Sudoku 9×9 grid, there are variations, and even Wordoku puzzle – using letters instead of the digits, with practically same goal. A variation of Sudoku is Photo Sudoku – pictures are used instead of the digits.

Analyzing skills and logical thinking capabilities are considered to be improved by playing Sudoku, because the game requires innovative thinking on and on. As a brain teaser, playing Sudoku puzzle game is not considered to be a waste of time.

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