Top 4 Tips to Build a Successful Career in the eSports Industry

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eSports TournamentsIt’s not been very long when gaming was considered a waste of time. It was also considered to divert children’s attention from studies and something which was not going to be useful for their life and future.

But times have changed. Gaming is slowly becoming a great way to earn money and several children are looking forward to making esports their career by participating in the esports tournaments that are being held as prestigious events.

Today, parents of a budding gamer should not be upset if their kid is spending hours in gaming. Their kid can actually one day become an esports industry pro. It’s, however, important to have the right perspective and background of this newly emerged lucrative career.

How to Get Into eSports?

Firstly it should be understood that like any other conventional sports, esports have two branches of careers. One is of those who actually play and the other is of those who form the infrastructure that supports the esports industry.

In this post, we’ll consider what players need to become esports pros and to build a successful career.

1. Focus on One Game

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If you are playing games since long, you might have found which type of games you love the most and feel the most confident about while playing. For example, you may love FPS (first person shooter), RTS (real time strategies), fighting games, MMORPGs (massively multiplayer online role-playing games), MOBA (multiplayer online battle arenas) or card games. Whichever game you love the most, focus on it instead of diversifying on multiple games.

2. Select a Gaming Platform

Once you choose your favorite game, the next step is to choose the most suitable gaming platform. It can be a PC, PlayStation or Xbox. Remember that mouse and keyboard can be replaced by a controller; so, you should be ready for investments if you choose platforms other than a PC. And even if you choose to play on a PC, your current PC might need an upgrade in the form of a more powerful processor. So, there too you should be ready for investments.

3. Learn Popular Techniques

Watch video tutorials or live streams online of experienced gamers and learn popular techniques. A good point to start is YouTube and where pro players and influencers can help you hone your skills.

4. Attend eSports Summer Camp

Look for esports summer camps where children are trained by former professional gamers who have built their career in the industry.

Plus, you should practice a lot, be in constant touch with other esports players, join a gaming league and start participating in online esports tournaments.

So, are you all set to participate in esports tournaments and build your career?

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