Super Easy Way to Sync Music between Mac and Android
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How many songs you have manually copied to your phone from your computer so that you can listen to them anywhere you are? Now you can make the same process much more hassle-free with SyncMate. Sync your music from Mac to Android to get it always at hand!
What is SyncMate?
SyncMate is a wonderful app that can easily sync data on Mac with Android devices. It can sync calendar events and contact details from Android to Mac and vice versa. You can upgrade to Expert for a reasonable price and can sync music, playlists, videos, photos, folders with many files and more, with SyncMate, an app to synchronize Android music Mac. Expert enables you to work with your Android text messages on Mac conveniently and to mount your Android device as a Mac disk.
Syncing Music on Android and Mac
Here are super easy steps to sync music on Android and Mac:
- Download free version of SyncMate and install it. Open the app.
- Upgrade to Expert edition.
- On the left of the main window of the app, hit “Add New” and choose Android device; connect Android device to the Mac.
- Hit “+” button at the top and choose “Music” from the list; adjust the parameters for sync as required. You can sync music only from Mac to Android.
- Hit “Sync” and all your new music comes on your device.
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SyncMate can also be used for data syncing between your Mac and other Macs, online accounts and storages (Google, iCloud, Dropbox), iOS devices and Windows services (Outlook, Office 365 Home and Business editions).
SyncMate needs OS X 10.8.5 and is compatible with iOS 5.x-10.x and Android 4.x-7.x devices.