4 Gaming Platforms – Which One Will You Choose?

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Google StadiaBenefits of playing video games have become well-known by now. Previously, gaming was supposed to be a waste of time and detrimental for studies. However, since the new research has found many benefits of gaming, such as improved cognitive function, problem-solving skills, memory and social skills, even parents have started allowing their children to play video games. It’s interesting to see the journey of the evolution of video game platforms. Here are a few.

1. Personal Computers

Personal computers are perhaps the most popular gaming platform. They can be in the form of desktops or laptops which should have special hardware configuration that enables users to load up and run games on their system. The hardware of a gaming PC should contain a powerful main memory and a graphic processing memory or GPU. The more powerful the GPU, the better will be the generation of output. Along with these components and other common hardware of PC such as monitor, mouse and keyboard, gamers can easily play their favorite games.

You can even configure your PC with additional devices such as joysticks to improve your gaming experience. For still more improved experience, you can connect your computer to a big TV screen via cables like VGA or HDMI cable.

2. Consoles

Gaming consoles are specially created to only play video games. They are usually equipped with input devices like a joystick and a main unit that does the processing work. They are normally connected to TV screens so as to watch the visual output.

Consoles are of many types, some popular ones being Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii and so on. Handheld consoles like PSP Vita and Nintendo DS are also available. These are lightweight and have their own display unit.

3. Mobile Devices

Mobile phones and tablets have become the new mobile gaming platforms. Mobile games are specially developed for the operating systems of these devices, the most widely used being Android and iOS. Other mobile operating systems are Firefox OS and Windows Mobile.

4. Google Stadia

The future of gaming has arrived, Google Stadia has come out! As such, mobile games had eliminated the need of consoles, and now Google Stadia which is totally cloud-based has confirmed the redundancy of consoles altogether.

With Google Stadia, graphic-sensitive games can be played on-the-go devices that should have an active internet connection. You’ll be streaming content from the data centers of Google and you don’t have to download any update or app. You can just start playing your favorite game.

So, which gaming platform are you going to choose?

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