Ark: Survival Evolved – (P)Review

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ark gameArk: Survival Evolved is an action-adventure open world survival game that’s receiving a lot of attention. This video game is a work in progress that’s being created by Studio Wildcard cooperating with Virtual Basement, Instinct Games and Efecto studios. ARK is scheduled for release on all platforms this year; the early access, nevertheless, began approximately two years ago for Linux, OS X and Windows, at the end of 2015 for Xbox and in December 2016 for PS4. If you consider giving it a try, here are some things you should know about ARK: Survival Evolved.

In general, ARK is a survival game where a player is stranded on a tropical island with peculiar inhabitants: dinosaurs. You have to gather with fellow players to be able to survive this incredible wilderness by hunting and building. Also, a player can tame dinosaurs for extra protection when competing with other players for resources. So, basically, we’re talking about a first-person survival game and, yes, you’ve probably played similar games before. However, this one is different because when you lose your life, you’re the deadest possibly, so you need to create a new character and start again from the very beginning.

Ark: Survival Evolved can be pretty difficult for newcomers. There’s no tutorial on what’s to be done, how to proceed etc; there are no tips and tricks; you’re really alone. Well, so it seems in first (10 or more) sessions. Once you learn how to survive for long enough, it becomes clear that there are other people and other species on the island. Our tip: before you’re ready to confront and tame the dinosaurs, avoid them!

Is ARK worth devoting time, energy and money? We’d say it is. Nevertheless, it’s better to use all the help you can when figuring out the way to really survive the wilderness. This ark survival evolved server has been around for two years so far. What makes it different than any other server is that admins here actually don’t play the game, but only admin it. The server isn’t admins’ property, but belongs to the communities; players vote on changes and rules. Anyhow, as you get better, Ark: survival evolved gets really rewarding, so it’s worth giving it a try but you still need a lot of support from other players.

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