Bloons Tower Defense Games – Real Challenge and Excitement
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Bloons is one of the most exciting video games and the new Bloons Tower Defense 5 is no exception. The games series has been developed by Ninja Kiwi for tablets as well as phones and also for PCs having Adobe Flash Player. The series has been in turn segregated in Bloons series, Bloons Tower Defense series and many spinoffs of original games.
Bloons Tower Defense
In the BTD series, the major objective is to explode the enemy Bloons before they could arrive at the end of the road on the game screen. The player avails many types of towers to protect against the Bloons, like Tack Towers, Cannons, Ice Towers, Dart Monkeys and the mighty Super Monkey. Many other types of towers have been introduced in the latest versions of the game. These towers can be bought with the in-game currency which is earned through a number of ways. Bloons too are of several types with some tougher variations generally consisting of many weaker ones. E.g. the Yellow Bloon contains a Green Bloon which contains a Blue Bloon, which contains in turn a Red Bloon. Each time the inner bloon releases when the outer one is popped. According to the toughness and edition of the game, some amounts of lives are available to the player. Different amounts of lives are consumed by different sorts of Bloons, if they manage to reach the end of the road. The tougher Bloons consume more lives.
The latest version BTD5 has many new features such as more upgrades, various types of Bloons, more towers and a number of new wonderful tracks. Bloons are stronger in this edition and you will have to make careful use of your defensive power for completing a level, so, this is certainly more challenging and, of course, more exciting too. The upgrade levels too are 8 in comparison with 4 in its precursor, BTD4.
Bloons Tower Defense games have favorable reviews for iPhone. They have been referred to as Web-based classics. Though there is some negative view about the controls, the overall review about the games is positive. It has been also recommended for kids in order to introduce them to the world of tower defense.
Bloons Tower Defense games add an excitement to our lives and are real brain-feeders. For keeping fit cognitively, you should play such games.