Diablo III – The New Exciting Version from Diablo Franchise

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Diablo III is the new exciting game in the Diablo franchise. It has been developed by Blizzard and has a horror or dark fantasy theme based on action role-playing.




Theme of Diablo II

The dark world of fantasies of the Diablo series is named Sanctuary which is the main site where the game occurs. This is the world which was saved 20 years back by some anonymous heroes in Diablo II. That time the Sanctuary changed dramatically because of the devastation caused by World Stone in the Diablo II: Lord of Destruction. Now the world has two continents and many tiny islands in the Northwest. The heroes were survived from the attacks by the Burning Hell armies and now have gone mad because of their hardships. Now the heroes of new generation have the responsibility to save the Sanctuary.

Deckard Cain


Players will find out familiar locations like Tristram.


The NPCs here are Deckard Cain who is known to players since the earlier games and his niece named Leah who is newly introduced and is with the hero in missions. The theme revolves around Azmodan and Belial the two Lesser Evils who have survived and an artifact called Black Soulstone.





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Combat area

This time the physics engine is in-house, i.e. Blizzard’s own, unlike the Havok’s physics engine in the earlier versions. This engine features in-game destruction effect. The game runs in an extensive range of systems and the developers claim that DirectX 10 won’t be needed. The custom 3D engine will feature an overhead view. In the previous games there was isometric view. The 3D environment will be used by the enemies too, e.g. for crawling on the wall to reach the battlefield.



Similar to Diablo II you can use Blizzard’s Battle.net service to avail multiplayer games, with several new features from StarCraft II. You can drop in and out of sessions. The game assures different experience each time because of an improved quest system, a random encounter creator and a random level creator. Both static and random levels are possible in the game. Moreover there will be class-specific quests too to run along with the main quests. Another addition is of three new armor plates, viz. arm-guards, shoulder-plates and leggings.

More New Features



Now gold can be obtained just by touching it and no need to obtain it manually. Another new feature is meant to speed the game and it is the health globes drop from enemies, so no need for potion bar. Players now have access to the fast bar buttons to spells and skills which have replaced the previous situation of access to only two skills.

Another new feature is skill runes through which skills can be modified. They are unlocked when player’s level goes up and is used through all classes. Equippable items can now be attached to skills, at times changing the game completely of every skill. Skill runes can also make one specific spell in every class stronger and offer the player options for how the rune will improve a specific spell. Moreover skill runes featured in Diablo III can alter the operation of the skill.

Thus Diablo III is going to be quite exciting with so many improvements and additions.  Its music has been given by Russell Brower. All in all it is definitely going to give the players new thrilling experiences.

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