Pinnacle Game Profiler

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pinnacle game profilerIf you have your favorite joystick, gamepad or other game controller type, you would surely like to use it while playing  the PC game you have just bought. Play any PC game with any controller with Pinnacle Game Profiler. Some PC games do not support any game controller directly, but with this software, you can play your favorite game with the game controller you are used to and the best when using it. In fact, you can use your joystick to control Windows, even though it sounds funny.

Pinnacle Update feature is built in and it will keep your Pinnacle software updating itself, so you don’t have to do this manually. The only thing you should focus is finding the best game controller for you, the one that will make you rule the world. Well, not the world, but the one that will enable you to have the best results when playing your favorite games.

Pinnacle Game Profiler supports any controllers that works with your PC, which means not only standard ones (yokes, gamepads, racing wheels, throttles by Logitech, Belkin, Saitek, Thrustmaster etc), but also those Playstation, PS2, PS3 SixAxis, original Xbox, Xbox 360, Wiimote and similar popular console controllers. As I said, whatever works with your PC/Windows, you can play any game with it. The only thing you should do is to download Pinnacle Game Profiler.

Modern PC games commonly support some game controllers out of the box, but there are those with no built-in game controller support. For example, can you play Doom game with a PS3 controller? Certainly, yes, if you download Pinnacle Game Profiler software. But, without it, it is impossible.


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