Tips to Earn Final Fantasy XIV Gil

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FFXIVFinal Fantasy is developed by Square Enix and FF XIV is the fourteenth game in the series, following FF XI. A massively multiplayer role-playing online game, FF XIV is extremely captivating and is available in English, French, German and Japanese. If you have just started playing the game, making FFXIV gil is quite hard for you. Gil is a type of FFXIV currency and you need it in the game every now and then to purchase various items.

The game takes place in the land of Eorzea, a short while before the 7th Umbral Era, an apocalyptic incident indicated by the descent and probable impact of Dalamud, the lesser moon. Gamers can create and customize avatars who take part in the happenings going on across the future invasion by the Garlean Empire and its connection with the descent of Dalamud. The nation states of Erozea bring back their Grand Companies and create an alliance to get ready for the upcoming war with the Empire.

GilAs a rule, the lower the grade of your character, the less chances you get to earn gil. But for increasing your character’s grade, you need to make a huge amount of gil in turn, so that you can purchase armors and weapons. Many new gamers usually complain that though they spend a lot of time in earning gil, they just cannot earn enough to meet their daily requirements. Here are some effective tips about how you can make more gil, when your character in the game is still at a lower level.

First thing to remember is not to hurry in earning gil when your level is under 10. Actually, you can earn gil by questing and combating with beasts which will be enough for the use of power leveling before level 10. Earning gil at the initial level is sheer waste of time and effort. When you come between level 10 and 15, you can have better returns but you must focus on mastering skills and upgrading tasks rather than going out for farming gil.

Next thing to remember is to pick up whichever items you come across. Selling items to other gamers is a very remunerative way to earn FFXIV gil. For increasing your currency stocks, you shouldn’t leave any item you get on the adventure road. Therefore it is important to make sure that your bag has sufficient space for them every time. Whenever you pass or approach a vendor, you must sell every piece of trash you have, even though it is only a few bits. When you are habituated to this, you will find that it is an extremely effective way to earn gil. If the vendor is far from you and your bag is full, you should throw away all the less valuable items so as to make room for more valued items you get on the way.

Once you cultivate these habits, you will go on earning more and more FFXIV gil and your character can go up in terms of levels which will earn you still more gil.

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