Finding a Perfect Gaming Keyboard – What to Look For?

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good gaming keyboardIf you are an ardent gamer, you know that the technology you use while gaming decides whether your gaming will be fun or a total blunder. Gaming keyboards are an important part of computer gaming. Not only hardcore gamers but also infrequent or aspiring nerds can make the most of a good keyboard. If you are aware of what’s important for gaming, you can focus on essential features that will optimize your experience and maximize your success rate. Don’t get carried away with massive button collections, flashy colors and extra embellishments. Learn here what is important while choosing a perfect gaming keyboard for you.

Wired of Wireless?


Wired: Wired keyboards are typically plugged into the computer’s USB port and don’t need a special software (barring some gaming keyboards) and are the commonest keyboards on the market.

Pluses: Generally cheaper than wireless keyboards, no need of batteries, easy to plug and play, no lag.

Minuses: Occupies the USB port, wire adds to desk clutter, limited range of use

Wireless: These are typically available in two types, RF connection or Bluetooth. RF (radio frequency) are the commonest and work by adding a small USB receiver into the PC’s port. They work on 2.4GHz frequencies, which is the same frequency used for Wi-Fi internet and cordless phones. This type of connection is selected for optimal battery life. Bluetooth keyboards transfer data to the computer via radio waves of short wavelengths. It doesn’t need a USB port, thus it’s perfect for PC tablets and often features a 30-foot range.

Pluses: Bluetooth keyboard keeps the USB port free, no clutter of cord, range is around 30 feet

Minuses: Bluetooth has quite short battery life. RF connectors are seen to have issues when placed around other wireless devices like cordless phones and routers.

good gaming keyboard

Gaming Keyboards


Gaming keyboards are designed to offer gamers higher-end performance and an excellent gaming experience. Almost all gaming keyboards offer optimal performance with mechanical switches. They can range from simple to complex in usability with some needing extra software for additional features. Here is a range of features that you can find on a good mechanical keyboard.

Macro Functions: These let you program tailored keys to perform a series of actions in just one click. For instance, clicking “Custom 1” starts the program that uses the combination abilities of the player.

Extra Keys: Some keyboards have additional keys which you can program. They are useful for dungeon crawlers or MMORPGs since they enable user to that group of extra keys to in-game abilities.

Digital Display: You can get LCD touchscreens or trackpads in high-end keyboards. These displays let you customize keys in appearance and function.

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Gaming Mode: This is a toggle key that allows locking of the Windows key from prompting the start menu, saving the game from getting pushed to the background.

Multimedia Functions: Advanced multimedia functions are available on several gaming keyboards ranging from basic volume control to shortcuts to Twitter and Facebook.

Backlight: This feature is commonly found on gaming keyboards. Some keyboards even let the user customize the backlight.

good gaming keyboard

Multimedia Keyboards


These have media options on them, such as volume control. They are engineered for ease, convenience and simplicity. Most ultrabooks and laptops have built in multimedia functions such as video controls, brightness control and a wi-fi switch.


Virtual Keyboards (Laser Keyboards)


Virtual or laser keyboards make use of wireless projectors to produce a keyboard on a plane. They track your fingers using optics and relay them as an input. These keyboards have a simple layout, but they are not simple to use and take a long time to get used to them.


Mini Keyboards


Mini keyboards are aimed at occupying as small space as possible so as to be placed in briefcases etc for travelling. They come in three types: Minimal, Slim and Silicone.

Find comprehensive reviews of gaming keyboards on and take an informed decision to get the best keyboard for you.

good gaming keyboard

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