What’s a manly support conversation in Fire Emblem Warriors and is it hacked by Sky3ds+?
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Fire Emblem Warriors for both Nintendo Switch and New Nintendo 3DS will be launched in Japan on September 28, and in Fall 2017 in the West. What is the latest news about the game and can we use Sky3ds+ hack the 3ds game to play for free on New 3ds and new 3ds xl(ll) console? Here you can know.
What is the latest news about Fire Emblem Warriors?
Fire Emblem Warriors is a game of Musou style, but it has a number of features as that of the Fire Emblem series like the Weapon Triangle as well as Support Conversations. Here’s one with Chrom and Ryoma.
The first video features Chrom (CV: Tomokazu Sugita) and Ryoma (CV: Yuichi Nakamura):
Ryoma: After many spars, I have begun getting a better read over your swordplay.
Ryoma: We’ve been at the same level up till now, but you may be beaten by me next time.
Chrom: What? As if it’d go that way. The same is true for myself, because my body just got habituated to the swordsmanship of Hoshidan style.
Chrom: The unknown stance was confusing initially, but now I have plenty of ways to tackle it.
Ryoma: So you say! I’ve already seen through the habits of your Ylissian swordsmanship.
And there is also an earlier video showing a Support Conversation between Chrom (CV: Tomokazu Sugita) and Marth (Hikaru Midorikawa):
Chrom: You helped me out back there. I can only jump the gun when it’s about war.
Chrom: In contrast, Marth, you’re always moving while keeping a close eye on your allies.
Marth: I find it impossible to sit doing nothing and see my brother-in-arms falling.
Marth: And you Chrom, you are always so brave out there in the battlefield, just like the founder of Altea, King Anri, himself.
Chrom: King Anri…?
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Can Sky3ds+ hack the Fire Emblem Warriors on both New3DS and Switch?
Sky3ds+ is a flashcard which supports Free 3ds games on new 3dsxl, new3ds, 3ds xl, 3ds, new 2ds xl and 2ds consoles. It is playing free downloaded 3ds roms or your own 3ds backup. So it will play Fire Emblem Warriors on New Nintendo 3ds but won’t on Nintendo Switch. But why should you choose this card to play 3ds Fire Emblem Warriors while not buy the official game card? Here are the reasons.
Sky3ds+ is a firmware-independent 3ds flashcard, it can work on any 3ds system version and any 3ds/3ds xl/new 3ds/new 3ds xl/2ds/new 2ds xl device. Plus, sky3ds+ is the simplest 3ds card to buy for downloading 3ds games and playing them for free. It is supporting drug&play, you don’t need to use any other tool just with a sky3ds+ card and micro sd.
What are its functions?
1. Hack 3DS/NEW 3DS/2DS/NEW 2DS console to play free 3ds games.
2. Solve the AP check of 3ds games, let sky3ds+ play more than 400 3ds games including new and old titles.
3. Evade the game limit, sky3ds+ is able to read 40/50/60/More 3ds games as you want.
4. Card updating is supported time by time, the firmware is upgradable.