Make Your Own Gaming Computer for a Better Gaming Experience

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ehawkgamesA gaming computer is tremendously helpful to a gamer, because it offers much higher quality of graphics and faster loading time. You can create your own gaming computer in some easy steps. Here they are.

Choose CPU

To start with, decide on which type of CPU you want for your gaming computer. At present, there are two leading companies for CPU – AMD and Intel. It is advisable to find benchmarks and evaluate them against current costs.

Presently, the best choice is Intel i5, regarding performance as compared to price. The i7 is more potent but its benefit is negligible in comparison to i5 and cost is much higher.

AMD Athlon II X4 640 is a nice entry-level choice, while the Intel Core i3-3220 is a good mid-range option.


The motherboard you select should support your CPU. Consider the socket of processor, the RAM frequency and the type of memory module while choosing between various motherboards. Some of them are available with features like Firewire and HDMI, so if you desire them, choose a motherboard sporting them.

Be careful while choosing a high frequency RAM. At first, it may seem to be better because it works faster, it may not be always true. The advantages of high frequency RAM are conflicting and it is infamous for high failure incidents. So, before buying, consider this.

You should also consider the number of pins required for you memory module just to consider how it will plug in your motherboard. More number of pins doesn’t mean better performance.

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Enough RAM for Your Requirement

Larger RAM will provide you shorter loading times and smoother performance. Choose the highest memory that can fit your budget. Buy it from a reputed manufacturer.

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Video Card

Video card is one of the most important parts of your gaming computer. At the same time, it is the toughest to choose. There are a variety of video cards out there. Look for video card reviews and choose the best one that fits your budget.

Hard Drive

Plenty of space is required to store games, videos and audios. To choose the best hard drive storage space, read reviews and choose the best one for you. Ensure that it runs at minimum 7200 RPM as you are likely to get better performance with greater values.

Power Supply

Power supplies are available with 20- or 24-pin connectors. Get as many pins as your motherboard has. Ensure that it fulfills all the recommended power needs for your components like the graphics card.

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A good case is equally important as your all other parts, because it will give protection to other parts which are delicate and expensive. Choose among those built for 80mm fans, 120mm fans or for both. Larger fans give less noise and more cooling.

Operating System

You now need an operating system that will use your system efficiently. When you install it, check driver updates on the internet.

Normally, Windows is the best operating system for gaming. You may prefer Windows 7 to 8, so as to get better compatibility for your older games. Titles launched during or after 2013 won’t have any compatibility issue.

bubblegum battleOn you can get free games, gameplay improvement tips, latest gaming news, game movies, trailers, and much more. This is an ideal website for an ardent gamer. They have recently launched an Android app too named Bubblegum Battle. There are various gaming tips and articles, and also exciting contests with gift cards waiting for you. So, visit to enjoy true gaming fun.

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