R302 – Race in Space with Stunning Galaxies Passing By!

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R302You will agree that racing games are some of the most exciting games! But by now you have played them in an earthly environment, where mostly you simulate to drive a car with others’ (your competitors’) cars running beside, in front or behind you and you are in an effort to win the race. But how do you find the idea of racing in space? Wow, at least I find it utmost exciting, and I am sure, you too are excited with the thought. Don’t worry, you just have to wait for some days as the brand new R302 is in beta now; but you can enjoy a slice of it!

What is R302?

In R302 you will use your phone or tablet as a steering wheel of a space-racer (instead of the usual car you have driven in other racing games). You should connect your phone/tablet with other bigger screen of your PC or other phone or tablet, and then you can start the race. You can play through Facebook too.

You can navigate your space-racer, jump over your rivals and for boosting your speed and score you can also collect energy bolts.

R302 race

There are no complex rules and regulations to study and remember in R302; you just have to connect with another screen and start enjoying the speed! And imagine what is passing by you – all the extra-terrestrial bodies, planets, stars, galaxies! The road is smoothly rolling before you, but its both the sides have nothing! It’s space! It’s enthralling to think what if our space-car slips from the road and falls on one of the sides!

Anyway you take it, you are going to enjoy a lot, no doubt about it! Enjoy the trailer!


  • Amazing graphics and sounds
  • Mind-blowing imaginative setting of stunning galaxies
  • Challenging levels
  • Simple yet exciting game

Download the R302 app from Google Play. Connect with R302.com on your PC or Facebook (https://apps.facebook.com/rthreezerotwo/). Scan with QR code and start playing!

R302 level complete

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