Top 3 Overwatch Tips to Improve Your Game

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Overwatch boostingThere is no doubt in gamers’ mind that Overwatch is an amazing game. The rising number of players joining the game every day is a proof for this. However, besides being fun, Overwatch is also challenging. Hence, it’s not unlikely that many new players would give up soon and miss all the fun. If you’re one of them, here are a few tips for you to motivate you to keep playing this fabulous game.

1. First Focus on Support and Damage Heroes

One of the best ways to raise your rank in Overwatch is to hire an Overwatch boosting service. Alongside, you can try several things to improve your game.

You might experience frustration many times when you cause a great deal of damage to an enemy tank only to find that their healer has fixed it as if nothing ever happened.

You can prevent this by focusing on removing any healers or support characters first, particularly if they’re alone.

Although this is often for damage heroes, it applies to any of the three roles – Support, Damage, Tanks. The order in which you should target them is the same.

If you manage to kill the enemy’s healers consistently, the remaining team will ultimately fall apart and need to split off to search for health packs or have to retreat altogether, enabling you to secure the objective.

2. Learn to Move Constantly

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Overwatch too, like any other FPS, has got deadly snipers. Both Widowmaker and Hanzo have powers to see through walls due to which they can plan a perfect shot well beforehand. You can prolong your life and make life difficult for them. For this, you have to be continuously on the move. Remember that you need to be constantly bounding around mid-fight, particularly if you’re a highly targeted Support hero. Even customarily stationary heroes such as Bastion need to be aware of how lethal standing still can be, and have to look for switching up the defensive posts to keep the enemy alert.

3. Keep Heroes Changing

While having a skill of playing a few heroes is good, sticking to only one of them is not considered good even at professional level. You have to keep switching depending on the situation and that will take you a long way.

For example, if you’re a Widowmaker player, but your team needs a flanker in a particular situation, changing your hero to Tracer might be the best move for you and your team. This can also keep the enemy team wondering what strategy to apply now to protect themselves from Tracer who can hit them from the back.

The same applies for offensive players too. For instance, Genji is one of the best offensive heroes; however, it might now work when you require a flanker. Imagine you’re on the defending side on Escort and your team is finding it difficult to do so.

In such a situation, even Genji cannot win you the game as the present need is much more defensive. Here changing to Reinhardt to take in the damage would be the best alternative. Hence, it’s good to keep track of your team and keep heroes changing as per the situation.

Hopefully these tips will help you out if you’re looking for making a mark in Overwatch. Use them and share your experience with us. Happy playing Overwatch!

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