D3DGear – Fraps Alternative You’ll Love

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d3dgearIf you’re a gamer, you must have used or at least heard for Fraps, a universal Windows app that can be used when playing games using OpenGL and DirectX graphic technology. Right now, Fraps performs various tasks and it’s screen capture software, real-time video capture software and benchmark software at the same time. Sounds impressive, doesn’t it? But, what if I told you that there’s something similar to Fraps, but even better? It’s called D3DGear and you’ll love it!

People who are really into gaming commonly use Fraps to record game play to movie. If you fall into this category, D3DGear might be the Fraps alternative worth considering. This game recording and twitch streaming software offers high quality game play recording to movie, with minimal lag and small file size. Actually, D3DGear is a way faster and better compared to Fraps; it can do a lot of things Fraps simply can’t.

How does D3DGear work? It’s, obviously, a universal video add-on/plugin software that automatically attaches to a game once it’s started. So, launch D3DGear before starting a video game and broadcasting and recording it would be as easy as pressing a hot key. This software supports 3 movie recording file formats: WMV, AVI1 and AVI2 (Open DML); while Fraps software supports only AVI format. Unlike Fraps, D3DGear offers overlay function, so you can add webcam or face cam overlay on top of your movie video! This unique feature is unavailable in other recording software options. What we really like about D3DGear compared to Fraps is the size of the files, because it compresses audio data, and yet the high audio and video quality is very well preserved. When you use D3DGear, recorded movies are highly compressed with HD quality and they are ready to be uploaded to YouTube.

If you’re ready to try something better than Fraps, we highly recommend D3DGear software and we’re sure you’ll love it as well.


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