Learn Piano within 60 Seconds!
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Have you ever heard of learning music as if through a game – within a short time, without any music lessons, any guru, or any notes? I am sure, most of you have not. But let me tell you, it is actually possible – you can play piano within 60 seconds! Don’t believe it? Visit Ivoreez.com and you will be amazed to know how easy it is to play piano in a fun way and without spending years on learning and practice!
How is This Possible?
You might think this is impossible; but if you read about the process you will come to know how innovatively and perfectly it has been programmed. IVOREEZ is a tool and method combo wherein piano decals are to be used in coordination with specially coded song lyrics which you will find on the website. So, match the colors and start playing!
What will you need to do?
When you open Ivoreez.com, you will see three steps: “Get Decals”, “Subscribe” and “Choose A Song”.
1. Get Decals: The custom-colored decals are to be placed on the keyboard keys or piano. They are to be used in coordination with the Ivoreez song lyrics which is specially coded. There are two sizes available – one for the regular-sized pianos and the other of smaller size for keyboards. The standard sized ones are to be used for pianos and large-sized keyboards the keys of which have an ivory-like coating. These are in cling form. The small-sized decals have an adhesive at their back used for keyboard because most keyboards have a coating that is not favorable for the cling form. Ordering the decal bundle is the best bet which comprises of two sets of standard and small decals.
SPECIAL: You can get your hands on a SPECIAL OFFER of $5 off! Coupon Code is: PR1005
2. Subscribe: If you take a monthly subscription, you will get an unlimited access to the full database of songs particularly designed by IVOREEZ ® instant play method. You can also sign up for a free membership which will give you access to a limited number of songs.
3. Choose A Song: Choose a song – there are 300 songs to start with! Once you choose a song, automatically the lyrics will scroll and enable you to play along hands-free. You can control the scroll speed. You can play the latest chart toppers as well as the classic songs which are your favorite. New songs are added regularly.
Who Can Learn?
Anyone! A kid of age above 8 and also an adult above the age of 35!
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What can You Do?
Want to be a pianist instantly? You can do that with this fantastic tool! You can learn within only 60 seconds! Or you can become a YouTuber. You can also take your training to the next level by recording your performances and post to YouTube. Share them on all your social media profiles and become famous overnight!
Had you ever believed that you can learn music without sheet music, lessons, theory, training or practice? But with Ivoreez it is now possible.
Apps for Ivoreez are available through both – Android as well as iOS:
- Android (Ivoreez Piano Tabs): https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.ivoreez.main
- iOS (Ivoreez Legend): https://itunes.apple.com/app/ivoreez-legend/id944186410?mt=8
A special feature of the apps is they record you singing and playing and upload the video automatically to YouTube.
About the Developer
The developer of this wonderful tool is Jennifer Rodriguez who is an inventor, professional vocalist, pianist and music teacher from San Diego. She taught music for over 20 years and observed that many students abandon music school because they hate practicing and the tough learning process. They want to play only Disney’s “Let it Go” or Katy Perry’s “Firework”. This inspired Jennifer to invent a solution which most people aspiring to learn music would like and find easy and fun to learn.
So, what are you waiting for? If you are passionate to learn piano but are hesitating with a fear of long lessons and practice sessions, this is a golden chance for you to learn music instantly! Who knows, you may become a piano star in the future!