How Crafting Plays a Major Role in Wildstar
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Items in most games of today have a minimum level that your character requires to own so as to wear that item. The time has gone when your main could farm high-level items and furnish your alt with them. The items found by a level 30 character are not useful for a level 10 character. In the situation of the level of your character is going up continuously, sometimes many times in one session, this minimum level of gear has remarkable consequences, i.e. you continuously “outlevel” your equipment. Fortunately, in Wildstar, you get recipes with minimum levels that are pretty close to each other. Moreover the items you need like Wildstar platinum are easy enough to collect at the level you require them.
For example, if you spend time at level 10 to collect iron, you can make weapons with a minimum level of 10 or even 12 and 14. You will have to do a crafting session which will make you have gear enough for the next two levels in your inventory, the next time when you will adventure.
Worldstar has also more variation about stats. For example, in World of Warcraft, you can craft a bronze dagger or several daggers to get crafting skill, and every bronze dagger in the world was absolutely identical. For various classes these items have varying degrees of usefulness, as maybe the paladin wants different stats on his heavy armor than the warrior. In Wildstar the recipe is not fixed. Instead of that, while crafting a particular item, you gain a pool of points (which you can expand by using costlier cores as components). You then can decide minimum one, sometimes many, stats that you want to put into that item, and raise those stats based on a point cost and color code. At the end, two crafted items having the same name can be with very different stats in Wildstar.