Platform Games – Classics You Should Experience

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super mario brosIf someone told you that running along a platform and jumping on the top of enemies or over a gap in the floor could become very popular, you would probably laugh. But, this is exactly what platform games are all about and, yes, they are still one of the favorite video game genres among players around the globe. Here’s the list of, let’s say it, 5 platform game classics you should by all means experience. 

1. Super Mario Bros. (1985)

Mario the plumber is probably the video game character everybody knows about and thanks to him, Nintendo became a household name. It’s his goal to save Princess Toadstool but while doing that, he has plenty of bouncy fun! Super Mario Bros released in 1985 is probably the most popular platform game of all times and it still has fresh and creative sequels.

2. Turrican (1990)

This game was received as the best platform shooter ever with tons of destructive, innovative weapons, and angry bosses, different enemies. Its sequel, Turrican 2 was even better!

3. Sonic the Hedgehog (1991)

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Kids were dying to buy a new Mega Drive only to be able to play Sonic the Hedgehog back in the 90’s. The sheer speed of this whizzy blue hedgehog was impressive and the game was incredibly fun to play.

4. Bubble Bobble (1986)

Bub and Bob are twin bubble dragons who blow through to get to the next levels of the enemy-filled game. This game is even better if played in two-player mode.

5. Prince of Persia (1989)

Compared to its contemporaries, this game had such a realistic animation of the hero and sword fighting instead of projectile-based combat. Since then, Prince of Pesia has spawned countless sequels.



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