5 Excellent Tips to Make Your Gaming Headset Comfortable

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best gaming headset under 100For an ardent gamer, it’s not enough to play a game with great graphics and animation, but it should come with mind-blowing sounds and music, so as to deliver optimum enjoyment. One of the important devices which bring these sounds to us is a headset.

Headsets come in a plethora of shapes, styles and features. However, besides these things, an important factor to consider while buying a gaming headset is the level of comfort it offers. When you use your headset, you should thoroughly enjoy the listening experience. You don’t want to get a headache due to an uncomfortable headset.

Whether you plan to buy a gaming headset or you already have one, the following tips will help you to make sure to have a comfortable headset and thereby a great experience to listen to the various sounds in a game.

1. Look Beyond Design

Just because a headset looks cool and has a great design it can’t be called the right headset. You should not just visually inspect a product, but should actually try it. Here are a few important factors that will help you ensure your headset is comfortable.

2. Ear Cups should Fit You

You don’t want to get your ears sore within an hour of wearing your headset. To ensure this, you should choose ear cups that fit you. Headsets come in various sizes, especially their ear cups. Choose one that has cups centered over your ears without needing to fully extend the headband.

3. Cushioning

Another important factor to consider is the quality of cushioning for both ear cups and headband. High-quality cushions make a headset much more comfortable. To be specific, the cushioning made of memory foam will offer supple softness and maximum breathability that you need for optimum comfort.

4. Clamping Force

How snug a headset fits against your head is also another important factor to consider. No matter how soft and thick the cushions are, if the headset clamps your head tightly it will certainly cause discomfort. But too little clamping force is also useless because then the headset will slip down and fall off with even a slight jerk to your head. To gauge if the clamping force is just right for you, trying before buying is the best way. Still another thing to remember is that the headset may be stiff right out to of the package and later may break in.

5. Tips to Make Your Old Headset Comfortable

  • In case of poor cushioning, buy new cushions instead of buying a new headset.
  • If the ear pads are hard, replace them with softer ones.
  • It it’s too tight, stretch it a little.

All in all, buy a comfortable headset or make your existing headset comfortable with the above tips and enjoy the enthrallment of various gaming sounds.

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