3 Amazing Rocket League Tips
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Rocket League, the amazing combo of cars and football, is a game that many people love and are passionate about. But for beginners, it may even suck! Therefore here we give a few tips for beginners to develop an interest in the game.
The secret of excelling in Rocket League is to understand that even though there are cars involved, at it’s core, it’s a game of football. So, if you know the basics of real world football, you will have an upper hand at mastering the Rocket League basics too, since they are more or less the same. If you don’t know the football basics, just read on how they apply to Rocket League.
By the way, have you ever thought to go to the next level! Rocket League in real life!?
1. Be Thorough with Both Tutorials
Rocket League has two tutorials, one is basic and the other is advanced. Play both of them and then master both of them. There is nothing much to ask. You will have to be pulling these moves off at swift speed and at a fraction-of-a-second’s notice, particularly the difference between a sidewards flip (for tackles or “headers”) and a regular forward flip (for shooting).
2. Never Ball Rush
It’s seen in every game and every game will make you laugh/cry. All cars chase the ball around like mad chickens. In real football, it’s not the case and it’s not even the way to play Rocket League. The ground is huge; make the most use of it. If you notice 2-3 other cars chasing the ball, you don’t need to get in there and add to the mess. Instead you can drive away in an open space and just wait. The ball will soon go flying away from that pack and if you’ve got a good angle and full boost on it, you are in a top position to take a shot.
3. Cross the Ball
Understand why you are rewarded with points for a “center ball”. It’s because crossing is an essential part in football and can also be essential part of Rocket League. If your ball reaches near the goal against the wall, don’t try to turn around or do anything fancy. Hit it in the middle of the field off the fence and hope one of your teammates is present there to put it in. Even if there is nobody, the ball will hang around the opposition’s goal’s front and this is the moment when the game is at its best!
Hope these tips will make things easy while starting with Rocket League and you will enjoy the game to the fullest.