Why It’s Important to Find Where is Xur in Destiny

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where is XurEvery weekend is the time for the players of Destiny when Xur, Agent of the Nine appears in the Tower to distribute exotic engrams and weapons to Guardians. Xur is a one-stop shop for the most exotic items in Destiny; no wonder, players eagerly wait to meet him every week. So far, Xur has been on a tight schedule. He appears at a random location in the Tower and stays there for a specific time duration. He will arrive at 4am ET of Fridays and remains until 4am ET on Sundays.

It’s important to find where is Xur. Once you find that, the next important thing is to own proper currency so as to do business with him. By now, he has been found to accept some different types of currency and you can’t say if Bungie is planning to present some surprises to players on any week. Xur has some very rare Exotic Armor and Weapons to sell, letting players trade in their Motes of Light and Strange Coins for the most excellent gear. Though for a short while, he was accepting Spinmetal and Spirit Bloom for Strange Coins during the second week, prior to Bungie swiftly changed it because of players could exploit the system and hauled in a lot of rare coins for some quite common crafting materials.

In short, these exotic armor and weapons are not cheap and you will most probably have to stock up on Motes of Light and Strange Coins. In order to earn these, you will have to complete tasks or be fortunate with Decoherent Engram Drops. Strange coins will be dropped by weekly heroic challenges and the higher level you face, the more will be your earning. Other two ways to earn this currency are Public Events and be lucky in The Crucible.

Upgrading Exotic Gear

Xur has now been given a new role in Destiny of upgrading Exotic Gear. The ultimate power node of all Exotic Gear will need an Exotic Shard and one way to have them is visiting Xur. Xur will sell these Exotic Shard in exchange of 7 strange coins when he appears in the Tower. In effect from last 9th December, Xur offers players an ability to upgrade Exotic Gear to greater Attack and Defense ratings. This needs an Exotic Shard. Upgrading this gear resets the progression of the item.

Every week, Xur will have a lot of upgrades for current Exotic Gear in his cache, and also the standard Exotic Gear offerings.

Keep Visiting Mobi Picker to find Xur’s locations every week and the items he has on sale for you. This is a great resource to keep up-to-date about Xur’s movements.

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