How You Can Play Free Games on 3DS in Italy
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If you are in Italy and want to play free games on 3DS, you might be wondering if you can do that. But the good news is that you can! Now two new cartridges are available which when inserted into the 3DS handheld, allow you to play all downloaded games with just a touch of a button.
There are two such cartridges, namely R4 3DS and Sky3DS+. These are the latest “flashcards” that allow gamers to play without paying a dime. Installing them is merely child’s play.
R4 3DS
The R4 3DS is a flashcard developed for the Nintendo 3DS console that allows users to play ROMs of Nintendo DS games. The cartridge features a slot for a micro SD card which users can use to load with ROMs for Nintendo DS games and also emulators for other consoles.
Originally the R4 series of flash cartridges was designed for using on the original Nintendo DS console to play DS games only from ROM files. But after that they evolved much. Now the R4 3DS does not only play DS games, but also GBA, NES and more. It can even play video and music loaded on its micro SD card.
Most flashcards and backup systems that we come across everyday are built upon some type of system vulnerability or software exploit. Unfortunately, companies grew smarter over this over the years and slowly strengthened their security systems, making it more difficult to build such devices with each coming generation. This gave rise to the advent of a new sort of backup loading devices called drive emulators. So, now why to look for holes in the software or hardware if you are able to pretend that the device is authentic? Sky3DS is a line of flashcards which is based on this philosophy, using cartridge emulation instead of software exploits like their competitors. The Sky3DS+ is the latest entry in this line of hardware.
Both R4 3DS and Sky3DS+ are available at SKY3DSITALIA.COM. The site supports shipping from EU. It has an extremely reliable payment system and game download code service. Grab the opportunity and enjoy playing games in Italy for free!