Charge or Tac Shotgun? BEST Weapon Loadouts & PRO STRATS for Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3

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Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 3 has been released for quite a few weeks now and it has brought some pretty drastic changes. These changes are evident in the loot pool and weapon stats, such as Chug Splash being re-established and Pump being vaulted—not to mention half the map was flooded! The introduction of Charge shotguns is a major change in the game and eager players have started testing them out.

There is no doubt that weapons are a crucial component of Fortnite. So, with the change in the game’s meta, players might be pushed to accept the challenge and master new weapons just so they can win more matches. They can check their personal statistics, match history, challenges. All these are available for the season and leaderboards with the help of Fortnite Tracker.

Every weapon has been designed with a purpose, and so, being adept in the usage of a particular weapon is a plus point for any player.

Fortnite weapons

Calling Shotgun

The iconic Pump Shotgun is no longer in the game. Season 3 has brought Charge Shotgun. Players have to choose between Charge and Tactical shotguns. It’s interesting to take a look at the pros and cons of these two. Let’s discuss that and also how you should adjust your play depending upon the weapon you have.

Typically, the tactical shotgun offers more flexibility for players and can help them perform exceptional outplays compared to the bulky Charge shotgun. Still, if you choose to have the Charge shotgun, it’s a good idea to have a great spray weapon, like blue SMG or P90, to follow up.

All the weapons are available at Fornite Item Shop.

Charge Shotguns

As mentioned, Charge Shotguns are the latest additions in the game and they’ve replaced the very popular Pump Shotguns. The initial impression of the community about the new shotgun was dreadful, to say the least. It feels unwieldy, slow and could even pose a liability if used wrongly. It leads one to wonder how a game that rewards speedy response times and accuracy can have such a weapon.

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The answer is quite simple: Fortnite has always keenly followed a tradition of evolving the meta to maintain the freshness of the game. The advent of Charge Shotgun in this new season of Fortnite is expected to just do that, maintain a certain level of freshness.

Fortnite Charge Shotgun

Tactical Shotguns

Tactical shotguns are the only other close range weapon currently in the game. It has started getting less preference, however, because of major nerfs to its damage multiplier.

However, Tac offers much faster gameplay. It has the ability to hold more bullets than Charge and you don’t need to carry SMGs, providing an extra slot in your inventory. Tac is best used in close range combats. Its pellets scatter further away when shot at targets in mid-range. Thus, you have to get close to enemies to get the most out of your tactical shotgun.

Fortnite Tactical Shotguns

But Nobody Likes Charge Shotguns

Several Fortnite experts have expressed displeasure in the new shotgun. As previously noted, the gun feels burdensome, unlike the Pump Shotgun which would shoot immediately after you hit left click. Unlike the popular Pump, Charge shotguns have a significant delay before shooting. A Charge shotgun doesn’t shoot after players hit left click. Instead, it fires after you release your left mouse button—something which the Fortnite community is still not used to.

Chapter 2 Season 2 was marked with the popularity of flicking the Pump Shotguns. But it has become a thing of the past with the introduction of Charge Shotgun. As most may recall, Shotguns in Fortnite fire promptly at the left click. But with the Charge Shotgun, that just isn’t the case.

Both Charge and Tac have their own pros and cons. It depends on the player’s aggressiveness, playing style and learning ability, which of them to choose. Happy playing Fortnite!

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