Insurgency – A Superb Multiplayer

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insurgencyNew World Interactive – the Indie developer – has brought back the concept of the 2007 first person shooter mod, “Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat” which had emphasized on teamwork and realism and had created a loyal fan-base. The new mod in form of Insurgency – a standalone game has made a full launch on Steam.

The core of the new game is very similar to that of the original game, and its prime aim is to present a realistic interpretation of modern combat with an emphasis on teamwork and an objective-based gameplay, and it has become successful in that. What makes the game stand out from other multiplayer shooters is its damage model. It has been handled so realistically that it gives the game an extraordinary sense of urgency and brings out the requirement of tactical and careful play.

Most of the game modes in Insurgency are complimentary to the tension of brittleness provided by your character in the sense that it features limited to no respawns, thus making staying alive a prime important thing. Regarding modes, the game features a good diversity of game types, but interestingly there is no deathmatch. One outstanding mode is “firefight” which is a combination of a territory capture mode and “last team standing”. The aim of this mode is to either conquer all three territories on the map or eradicate the whole enemy team. The twist here is whenever you conquer a territory, all your teammates respawn. Because of this, the mode becomes outstandingly intense, where the tide can turn within just half a second. Sessions in this mode can last for long or can be brief, with the back-and-forth nature of the mode giving it a feeling of swing or tug-of-war.

Though not all modes are as distinct as firefight, all of them are enjoyable including those which are characteristic FPS game types. This is because of the strategic gameplay and amazing weapon handling. The sound effects in the game are absolutely unparalleled and offer the weapons a fulfilling punch when fired; but even small things are given keen attention to, like the natural-looking subtle swaying movement of the weapon upon your movements. Enjoyable weapons are one of the most important factors of a first person shooter; Insurgency scores full marks in that.

With an incredible number of multiplayer shooter games on Steam, Insurgency definitely stands out as a blend of some uniqueness and a great gameplay. Though it seems to be yet another military shooter in the Middle East, with the realism, a fulfilling shooting mechanics and objective-based gameplay it elevates above its exhausted template. If you are fed up of the run and gun factor of Call of Duty, but get daunted with the simulation aspects of a game like Arma, Insurgency is a perfect middle solution which offers a superb multiplayer option.

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